Civitatem – Update A 2.60

A small update with a few additions, tweaks and bug fixes. Improved/NEW – add a few new one time events. – improved the tutorial structure, text and typos. – builders that are building roads, check more often if a building needs to be constructed. – elder will try not go to the herbalist during the night […]

Civitatem – Update A 2.50 released!

My dear Village Elders, Today i released another small update to optimize the gameplay further and fix a few bugs reported by awesome people like you. New/Improved: – added 4 more music tracks. – increased the speed of the villagers by 25% – increased the font size for map tool tips – muted audio when […]

Civitatem – Update A 2.45 is Now Live!

My fellow Village Elders, This small update was released to improve further the core mechanics of Civitatem and the features added in A 2.40 update. Read about A 2.40 here: New/Improved: – Villagers now receive damage from malnutrition or lack of water, one every few in-game minutes, not all at once, and they only […]

Civitatem – Update A 2.20 released!

With the launch of A 2.00 a lot of bugs were introduced due to the amount of new features. Now after one week, update A 2.20 is released! This update brings tons of bug fixing and tweaks as you can see below: Read more about A 2.00 here: Due to so many fixes and […]

Dev Diary: Update A 2.0 – Exploration, Trade and Research

Update A 2.0 Delayed to 8 March. Since i decided a few days ago, to postpone again, the A 2.0 update, i wrote this dev diary to give you a brief look at the upcoming features in A 2.0 which are now in development and close to completion, but they need more testing and tweaks. […]

Civitatem – Update A 1.80 released!

Hi Guys, In this update i added villagers queues, misc. tweaks and bug fixes. Queues: During the day, villagers now will go to eat or to drink water, one or just a few at one time, every few minutes (by reserving food at the barn – hover with mouse over food icon at the top […]

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