Civitatem : Dev Blog #3 – Time and Seasons

In the current version of Civitatem a season lasts for one day, and one day lasts between 10 to 20 mins, based on what speed you use: normal or fast forward (150% speed). Each seasons has its own challenges since food decays from season to season unless is stored in salt, food like meat or […]

Civitatem : Dev Blog #2 – Building a village

To build a stable village and later a town/city, in Civitatem we need resources like: wood, stone, iron. Some of these resources regenerate every few seasons or so, like trees, bushes with berries, and others are limited like stone, iron, salt, but with research more can be discovered in the mountains or they can be […]

Civitatem : Dev Blog #1 – And so it begins…

Since i am approaching the launch of the Alpha for Civitatem (4-6 weeks), i am gona start this week a series of dev blog posts to keep up to date with the development. Civitatem was born out of my love for city builders and i think i can bring something fresh and challenging to this […]

New project: Civitatem, new site design and more.

I’ve been very quiet in the last 6 months or so, busy working on the next game Civitatem, a medieval city build currently in pre-alpha. During the next weeks and months, you will find more about the development since i will try to post more dev blog updates than usual:P .

New update and November Sale on Steam

Hi Guys, This is the second major update since the first patch, even though i have released hidden patches during this time, to fix bugs or similar issues. The biggest feature that this update brings, is a new save system. This system auto-saves the game every 2 turns on two saves files and their is […]

Linux and Mac builds available on Steam!

Hi Guys, Before the release of the upcoming content updates, i decided to release as BETA, the builds for Linux and Mac. To access them, log in on steam (linux or mac) and look for Centauri Sector in your library, right click and select proprieties, and then go to

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