Civitatem : Dev Blog #2 – Building a village
To build a stable village and later a town/city, in Civitatem we need resources like: wood, stone, iron. Some of these resources regenerate every few seasons or so, like trees, bushes with berries, and others are limited like stone, iron, salt, but with research more can be discovered in the mountains or they can be […]
Civitatem : Dev Blog #1 – And so it begins…
New project: Civitatem, new site design and more.
New update and November Sale on Steam
Hi Guys, This is the second major update since the first patch, even though i have released hidden patches during this time, to fix bugs or similar issues. The biggest feature that this update brings, is a new save system. This system auto-saves the game every 2 turns on two saves files and their is […]